Spot Callers: STARDOM 5GP Special (Finale Live Watch)
Cyrus and Allora come together for a live watch of the STARDOM's 5★STAR GP 2020 finals! They discuss final block matches Himeka vs Konami & Utami Hayashishita vs Syuri. Allora aspires to be the next Mauro Ranallo and Cyrus refers a torture rack as a lion tamer for an hour and some change. Thank you for listening!
Here's our highlight matches:
(8/08) Utami Hayshishita vs Jungle Kyona
(8/09) Syuri vs Jungle Kyona
(9/05) Mayu Iwatani vs Konami
(9/12 Day) Mayu Iwatani vs Death
(9/12 Night) Maika vs Jungle Kyona, Mayu Iwatani vs Himeka, Momo Watanabe vs Utami Hayashishita
(9/13) Tam Nakano vs Giulia